work in progress

What are the sources for the information present on your site? There are really a variety of sources that I studied from in gaining this information, from the readings my teacher's gave me in school (and their own videos) and from online learning repositories like OpenCourseWare videos, where I was able to learn directly from M.I.T. and Yale professors. Of course, I incorporated dozens of one-off sources into my notes as well, in any area that I felt my main source was leaving confusing and incomplete. Out of respect for the privacy of my teachers, I do not link my sources directly, but in every case my goal is to transmute all information present in my sources into my comprehensive and organized note-system, where I can access any knowledge or anything knowledge very quickly, without having to search for it in an hour long lecture. (I found the bulk of my sources by just googling "x lectures" or "fundamentals of x", where I was able to access educational content, that which gives the internet its greatest worth). This is how I learn - I find an educational resource to learn of, I

Why do you study? What is your purpose behind your note-taking? [[[[[here go into the ideology and philosophy behind my scientific relgiosity. "Humanist subjects (aptly named the humanities) have little interested me, because I've considered them to be very self-indulgent in humanity. I consider myself an existentialist, because I do not believe that humanity has any particular purpose or meaning that can be sought after internally - Purpose can only come from knowledge and mastery of the universe."[[[[ An afghani proverb says, "Why you separate the container from the contents, then you will have knowledge". With the universe and physics, physics continues to not be able to explain every phenomenon present in a rational universe. If the universe is the container and Physics is the contents, how can humanity learn about the container from the inside? The goal of Physics has been to create the laws and theories that can create governance in the universe, to explain and predict that which occurs. The goal of Physics is to be the container - to completely understand and control the infinite universe. The universe is infinitely large, but as of 2024, humans are the only "intelligent" life known. It is thus humanity's duty to discover the complexities that govern the universe and its contents. I distrust Biology and Pyschology, which focus on life on Earth and humanity in particular. I prefer Physics most strongly over all other subjects, because it is the most in-human subject to study; Physics focuses entirely on the science that governs the universe, much strongly than any worldly phenomenon that concerns humans. The advancement of Physics, I believe, is [[[[[

My name is Jonathan Lacabe, and I am a Junior in Southern California who is currently experimenting with advanced Cryptographic systems.

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