CHANGE LOG All changes to any page on the Human Knowledge project will described here. For a complete difference comparison of the exact changes made on a particular day, find that date on the commits page of the Github mirror: January 13 2025: Calculus Work. Rules Added: Mathematics, Single Variable Calculus - Rule 134. January 12 2025: Calculus Work. Minor edits to the about page. Rules Added: Mathematics, Single Variable Calculus - Rule 133. January 11 2025: Calculus, Single-Variable and Multivariable work, along with what should be my final adjustments to the older Physics pages for the time being. Rules Added: Mathematics, Single Variable Calculus - Rule 132. January 10 2025: Calculus Work. Further modification and modernization of the Physics notes was done, as I progress in Multivariable Calculus (Herbert Gross is a real one). Rules Added: Mathematics, Single Variable Calculus - Rule 131. January 9 2025: Added the Symmetric Encryption logo to the main page, as well as some Calculus work. Rules Added: Mathematics, Single Variable Calculus - Rule 130. January 8 2025: Continual Calculus Work, with lots (!!!) of Multivariable Calculus work done on paper. Further work on the Math Symbols page as well, 'finishing' (in terms of all the symbols I had listed) the Non-Constant Symbols section, and beginning significant work on the 'Constants' section. Furthermore, the logo for the Symmetric Cryptography category was finished and added to all applicable pages. Rules Added: Mathematics, Single Variable Calculus - Rule 129. January 7 2025: Calculus work. Rules Added: Mathematics, Single Variable Calculus - Rule 128. January 6 2025: Considerable work was done on the Math Symbols page. Furthermore, I created the Multivariable Calculus pages, and worked on them on paper. Rules Added: Mathematics, Single Variable Calculus - Rule 127. January 5 2025: Calculus work. Today, I worked on Multivariable Calculus in my paper notes. In doing so, I revised some of my Physics notes regarding Dot Product (which were some of the first non-math notes added to the site), making it flow and look much better. Rules Added: Mathematics, Single Variable Calculus - Rule 126. January 4 2025: Calculus work. Rules Added: Mathematics, Single Variable Calculus - Rule 125. January 3 2025: Formalization of the website has begun - several older, non-educational, disused pages (which merely take up space on the site) have been removed. Additional, minor updates to the Calculus page have been performed as a part of the new program/goal I am forwarding with regard to my paper Math notes, which continue to increase in the amount remaining to be digitized. In formalizing the site, a major update to the About page was done. Rules Added: Mathematics, Single Variable Calculus - Rule 124. January 2 2025: Added a rule for Calculus, and created the long-overdue "Limits" section page. Rules Added: Mathematics, Single Variable Calculus - Rule 123. January 1 2025: New year. I edited the pages to reflect this. I made everything up to its most current version (specifically, all of the cryptography sub-pages getting their most recent version from the full "complete notes" cutting room floor page). While no rules were added to the website, today was focused on Calculus. I will begin experimenting tomorrow with a mechanism to ensure permanent, continuous additions to the website, alongside other ideas/plans I have (which will be shared at a later time). December 31 2024: Work on Cryptography, developing the DES section significantly, but also some on Calculus (in my own notebook, to be transferred to the site soon). By the end of 2025, I hope for all of Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, and Linear Algebra to be finished on the Math side, all of Electromagnetism (and some entry into Quantum Physics) on the Physics side, and for all of the currently established Cryptography sections (Symmetric Cryptography through Post-Quantum) to be finished as well. A tall order, but there is a considerable amount of time between then and now. Rules Added: Cryptography, Symmetric Cryptography - Rule 43, 44, 45, 46. December 30 2024: Significant work in Block Ciphers, specifically regarding the Feistel Network. Rules Added: Cryptography, Symmetric Cryptography - Rule 39, 40, 41, 42. December 29 2024: Wrapping up Stream Ciphers. Minor changes to some Internal metapages. In examining the Salsa20 and ChaCha ciphers, I noted that understanding of these specific ciphers is more specific and in-depth into a certain sector of Cryptography, and not necessary for the development of an understanding of the fundamentals of Cryptography alone, since I would like to focus more on Post-Quantum attributes of Cryptography. Thus, in order to save time (while noting using the '[' system the unfinishedness of the content), I reserved four rules (a reasonable estimate) for future development of that section, with all additional rules created (if any) being subject to the WoO system. Onto block ciphers. Additionally, a priority register for me to log all future "unfinished sections" that come about has been created: As for low-priority intake, this allows me to recognize content that should be added to the project, and that its absence is not merely the result of me not having heard about it in the first place. Rules Added: Cryptography, Symmetric Cryptography - Rule 35 (reserved), 36 (reserved), 37 (reserved), 38 (reserved), December 28 2024: Finished Cryptography Equations, and LFSR. Rules Added: Cryptography, Symmetric Cryptography - Rule 32, 33, 34. December 27 2024: Created the Cryptography Equations page, and updated the ordering of the Cryptography so that Post-Quantum is the last (currently, I may add more after it). All relevant pages were changed to reflect this. On the main Cryptography information front, almost of Linear Feedback Shift Registers was completed. Rules Added: Cryptography, Symmetric Cryptography - Rule 30, 31. December 26 2024: Stream Cipher work, primarily in Linear Congruential Generators and Linear Feedback Shift Registers. Rules Added: Cryptography, Symmetric Cryptography - Rule 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. December 25 2024: More work on Cryptography, this time solely in Stream Ciphers. Furthermore, a new section was added to the "Mathematical Symbols" page, "Expressions". Rules Added: Cryptography, Symmetric Cryptography - Rule 20, 21, 22. December 24 2024: Edits to I.I in Cryptography, I.II totally completed, I.III began, changes to the "About" page, general all-around work day. The Stream Ciphers section was began and was added to all relevant pages. Rules Added: Cryptography, Symmetric Cryptography - Rule 16, 17, 18, 19. December 23 2024: Arch linux successfully installed. (Almost) full day's work on Symmetric Cryptography. Rules Added: Cryptography, Symmetric Cryptography - Rule 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. December 22 2024: Rules Added: Cryptography, Symmetric Cryptography - Rule 7, 8. December 21 2024. I remove the Cryptographic Classification page, as I realized that there was too little material to warrant it being an entire section of Cryptography, since it almost immediately leads into Symmetric Cryptography anyway. Furthermore, I updated all the physics pages to incorporate oscillations, which I intend to do after a solid foundation of Cryptography has been established. Rules Added: Cryptography, Symmetric Cryptography - Rule 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. December 20 2024. Work on the Human Knowledge Project can be a slow-moving bureaucracy, but once the pages and all the miscellania done to improve the general look and quality-of-life of users on the website (such as the humorous and/or inspirational quotes under each section), real work is relatively steady. Work on Cryptography had begun. The main pages have been created, and the art for Cryptography has already been created as well. Furthermore, the "Aerospace Engineering" logo was created in advance of the page actually being created, making today extremely productive in terms of Project Art. December 19 2024. Substantial work to previous Physics pages, with clarifications and revisions. Additionally, I updated the art page to include Astronomy. Current goal: 20-25, Cryptography. 26-28, Calculus. 29-31, Remaining Physics, 1-4, unity, 5-6, Break assignments. December 18 2024. Adding equations to the Physics equations page, as well as general reformating of the page to make it easier to quickly find equations and definitions. Minor edits to some physics pages naturally came of this as I inspected some rules and noticed typos/minor errors. Furthermore, Astronomy finally received its logo, after a month of deliberations with the mastermind artist of his generation, Shoaib Pasha. December 16 2024. Updating of many more Physics pages as I finish the homework for Gravitation. December 15 2024. Updated all relevant pages to show Gravitation (Classical Mechanics) has been finished, and that work on Oscillations has begun. Rules Added: Physics, Classical Mechanics - Rule 150, 151. December 14 2024: Work on Physics. Rules Added: Physics, Classical Mechanics - Rule 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149. December 13 2024: Work both on Physics and Calculus. Rules Added: Physics, Classical Mechanics - Rule 142, 143. Rules Added: Mathematics, Single Variable Calculus - Rule 119, 120, 121, 122. December 12 2024: Topic Refocusing - goal will shift from Astronomy to Calculus and Physics from now on. Over the next few weeks, I plan to go very extensive with my Physics coverage, as well as (hopefully) Cryptography and possibly some Electrical Engineering. There are only so many hours in the day, but 23 days is a long time. Today, work was performed on Calculus. Rules Added: Mathematics, Single Variable Calculus - Rule 116, 117, 118. December 11 2024: Finished with astronomy temporaria, and removed it. December 10 2024: Began adding ~temporaria~ astronomy material that will be removed shortly. I am currently processing a large amount of data, and it will be removed after I finish. December 9 2024: More work on Astronomy - this is my plan until Wednesday. A small amount of work was also done in Calculus as well. Rules Added: Astronomy, Classical Astronomy - Rule 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41. Rules Added: Mathematics, Single Variable Calculus - Rule 113, 114, 115. December 8 2024: Astronomy-focused day. Everything in Astronomy was updated, fixing all sorts of inconsistencies, types, irregularities, and beyond. I can now comprehend it much better, which is most important. December 6 2024: Further work on Calculus. Additionally, every page on the website was updated to incorporate the new Art page, which should be the last major site-wide update until the summer plan (or until I think of something else). The Sitemap was also updated for the first time in a while. Rules Added: Mathematics, Single Variable Calculus - Rule 109, 110, 111, 112. December 5 2024: Work on the Calculus page, largely. Rules Added: Mathematics, Single Variable Calculus - Rule 106, 107, 108. December 4 2024: Some additions to the Math Symbols page. December 3 2024: Work on Calculus has begun; the rest of Precalculus must be done slowly over time, similar to the math symbols page, as I will have to do my own research into the subject after the fact in order to fill in the missing content (since I wrote almost no Rules for the subject when I took it). Furthermore, I obtained permission from Mr. Kim to add him to the Special Thanks page. I began experimenting with a new information page, which may entail another updating of every page... Rules Added: Astronomy, Classical Astronomy - Rule 33. December 2 2024: Several revisions were made to the About page, including the addition of Mr. Cooper after I was given permission to add him. December 1 2024: Made some minor revisions and additions in order to remove missing references ('[' symbols) from Rule 68. Furthermore, I fixed an issue that was causing mathJax (used extensively in the Physics pages) to not load correctly on the GitHub mirror. All Physics pages were changed to reflect this fix, as well as some math pages. Rules Added: Physics, Classical Mechanics - Rule 141. November 30 2024: Changes, fixes, and elaborations to Classical Mechanics IX. Rules Added: Physics, Classical Mechanics - None, just lots of revisions. November 29 2024: Finished torque, and some Quality of life changes to make myself easier to understand. Created the page for Gravitation and linked it everywhere. Rules Added: Physics, Classical Mechanics - Rule 137, 138, 139, 140. November 28 2024: Total efforts toward torque. Rules Added: Physics, Classical Mechanics - Rule 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136. November 27 2024: Edited the About page further, adding "Flipping Physics" to the Special Thanks register and trimming one of the answers in the FAQ. Much work was done today in Rotational Dynamics of Classical Mechanics, particularly in the Torque section. Rules Added: Physics, Classical Mechanics - Rule 125, 126, 127, 128, 129. November 26 2024: Made several changes/corrections to various rules in Physics, Classical Mechanics, particularly in Rotational Motion. Added Disclaimer to the Special Thanks section of the About page, alongside other edits. Rules Added: Physics, Classical Mechanics - Rule 55 (finished the Rotational Motion section), 124. November 25 2024: Made several changes/corrections to various rules in Physics, Classical Mechanics. Rules Added: Physics, Classical Mechanics - Rule 53, 54. November 24 2024: Finished these internal pages: Color Coding. About (for the most part - it is now in a 'working' version available to the public). Furthermore, I changed the front page logo from one that said "J. Lacabe" to one that says "Human Knowledge", since this is not my personal blog. I left the original "J. Lacabe" image on the About page, for perpetuity. Additionally, every page on the site received an edit to account for the new internal pages, including sidebar additions and changed beginning paragraphs for the pages that reference color coding for the notes. November 23 2024: Began forming what would become the About, FAQ, Color Coding, and Recent Changes pages. This all spawned from my need to create a page explaining the new WoO system, which reawoke my desire to create an FAQ page, and from there the ideas began forming. The individual pages were created, but they were not completed in any form. July 31 - November 22 2024: I hadn't created this page yet. Most of the work performed on the site during this period is saved in the various commits made to the Github mirror, where the differences between each revision made to the site can be seen: